Friday, 17 February 2012

Follow my decision or the results of my mama?

Hello. Today Miss Ain taknak citer banyak sebab Miss Ain tengah pening/Sedih. Mama Miss Ain just suruh Miss Ain pindah sekolah disebabkan oleh beberapa perkara. Yeah. i know she do it because she want the best for me.
     That day, i just have a fight with my best friend Nabila and Erin. And today. tibe-tibe mama tanye, Ain nak pindah sekolah sembilan balik ke? Secara jujur. dulu masa kitewang gaduh teruk memang rase nak pindah. but now kitewang tak kawan but ok. n rase sayang pulak nak tukar sekolah. n secara jujurnye memang lah Miss Ain rindu gile kat kawan sekolah lame Miss Ain but Miss Ain rase Miss Ain akan rase lebih rindu kat kawan-kawan sekolah Miss Ain sekarang. Miss Ain memang betul-betul pening sekarang. Miss Ain rase, kalau pergaduhan kitewang berterusan my desicion is Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 9 (1). but, Also, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 11 (1) in memories :(

the sweetness of a girl

Today Miss Ain nak berkongsi cerita yg Miss Ain bace kat satu buku ni. The Sweetness Of A Girl.
     she is the transition from the world of girls growing up female. at thistime some changes in the physical, emotional and psychological thatraised questions why these changes occur and what is the secretbehind it.most girls are afraid and depressed by the sudden change andovercome some girl with a good nature.
     each woman identified through this transition period with different rates. adaptation to environmental changes during the girl should have been more convincing if we know the changes that happen to us.
     during childhood there is little difference between boys and girls. by the age of puberty, physical and psychosocial differences betweengirl and boy become apparent. the changes that occur are influenced by the hormone estrogen and proesteron that form the physical characteristics and psychological a girl.
So, that all Miss Ain boleh share. Another time InsyaAllah Miss Ain update lagi ea.
P/s: Tolong follow kalau suka :)